Types of Grants

Financial Difficulties/Hardship
Examples include: Repairs or loss of vehicle needed for transportation to work, loss of income due to circumstances beyond control of the employee, travel or other expenses related to a family member’s funeral.

Medical/Dental Emergencies
Expenses that are not otherwise covered by insurance.

For college, trade school or other educational pursuits which are unrelated to an employee’s position at the Club, the OTF may assist with tuition and fees and supplies such as books and other required equipment such as laptops. Assistance in this area may be extended to dependent children of the employee.

Permanent Residency/U.S. Citizenship fees
Claremont Country Club also provides a list of helpful resources in this area.
Who Can Apply
Full and part-time employees and contractors who have worked at Claremont Country Club for the equivalent of 6 months (720 hours), are eligible to apply for OTF grants.
Qualifying employees and contractors may request grants that benefit family members with the following guidelines:
- “Immediate” family members include his/her spouse, children, and legal dependents.
- “Extended” family members may include parents, in-laws, and siblings for whom the CCC employee provides financial support.
Eligibility of family members for specific grant categories is listed below.
- Financial hardship: Immediate and extended family members.
- Medical/Dental: Immediate family members only.
- Education grants: Immediate family members only.
- Permanent Residency/Citizenship: Immediate family members only.